Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Does the church experience coups?

Have you seen someone be ousted from a position of service in the church because of differing perspectives that exist in the body?

Maybe a youth minister got on the bad side of one too many parents? Or at least the wrong sets of parents?

Maybe a worship minster who lifts his hands to high or gets long winded sharing how a song touches them personally?

Maybe a preacher who calls the body to too high of a standard or spends too much time out of the office?

There are presumably many reasons someone, lets just be literal, just plain and simple, there are many reasons ministers get fired. Some, likely more appropriate than others. I am biting my tongue (restraining my typing hands) from expressing how frustrated I am with particular coups in the church that I have witnessed and others that seem to be underway. Of which, there seems to me to be a better way.

In your experience, has this type of occurrence been justly handled? Or was there a better way?


Anonymous said...

I've seen/experienced personally a bloody mess due to financial support in a young church plant.

Sometimes people forget that the livelihood of ministers extends beyond a popularity contest.

When a decision had to be made between which minister to keep on full-time supported by the church, people turned into enemies in opposing camps.

I will never forget the anger in the eyes of so many people that I loved as they fought for their candidate.

This may not have been what you were after, but it is one of the scars I carry from the church.

The mission of God and the mission for the Church plant should cost us our lives, but not our love for one another.

It is my prayer that we become surrendered to the way of downward mobility in our preferences, our possessions, and our pride. We must decrease so that He may increase.

Wes and Ellen said...


This is exactly what I was after. I am so sorry to hear about this experience in your life. Occurrences like the one you described can really wreck someones faith in the church (however you define it).

I really appreciated you coomment: "It is my prayer that we become surrendered to the way of downward mobility in our preferences, our possessions, and our pride. We must decrease so that He may increase."

Humility might be the most crucial antibody for the illness conflict. It acts as an even better preventative.

Thanks for your comment.
